Slightly Seasoned
You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
— Matthew 5:13-16
Welcome to Slightly Seasoned, our vibrant senior (for ages 55+) ministry here at Living Rock.
We wholeheartedly embrace the church's overall vision, striving to be Christ's church within our church family. As a close-knit community, we are committed to maturing together in faith, providing care and support to one another like a caring family, and actively serving the needs of both our church and local community.
With hearts ablaze for Christ, we strive to be a witnessing people, sharing His love and light with the world. In the company of kindred spirits, we gather to be refreshed and renewed, equipping us to reach out and make a lasting impact in the lives of others. Let's celebrate the joys of life's seasons, finding fulfillment in serving God and each other. We welcome you with open arms to join our journey of growth, fellowship, and meaningful service, as we navigate this season of life together in love and purpose.
Senior Dinners
Once a quarter, we host a lucheon for the senior members of Living Rock.
Saturday, March 15
Saturday, June 21
Break for Summer
Aaron Manor Outreach
Unfortunately, due to COVID the senior ministry to Aaron Manor is suspended.
We hope to resume as soon as we can!
Our outreach to Seniors happens at the Aaron Manor Health Facility in nearby Chester, CT.
On the first and third Sundays of each month, volunteers from Living Rock Church provide a church service to the clients.
One Tuesday a month, room visits provide companionship and prayer.