This FREE hands-on workshop will introduce using creative ways to delve deeper into Scripture. Presented at no cost by Dale Young and LRC.
All supplies are provided: Pre-registration is required and all CDC safety guidelines will be observed. Please sign-up by Wednesday, April 14th.
We all want to cultivate God’s word in our heart so that we will continue to grow in God’s love. Planting is the first step.
Growth requires time, nourishment and cultivation. Jesus often used visuals to convey eternal truth. Observing and creating art applied to a Bible passage, is known as “Visio Divina”. This is an imaginative and refreshing form of Scripture meditation that helps us to enter into the narrative of Scripture and bring ourselves closer to Jesus. It’s similar to “Lectio Divina”, but instead of quietly listening to God through words, we use pictures.
Art is a practical way to grow closer to God through scripture.
Art is a means to creatively release emotions and ideas.
Art is an outlet during turbulent times.
Art is a discipline. It is a way to keep our life in balance.
Have you ever wondered what it might have been like if you were on the boat with Jesus in a turbulent storm? What would you have done if Jesus told you to feed the 5,000? How would you answer Christ if he asked you, “Who do men say that I am?” Mark 4:35-41
Join us on a creative journey into the scriptures as we observe biblically themed art and then create a few of our own Honest art tags. Art tags are smaller and less intimidating than a blank sheet of paper. They are hole punched at the top, and can be kept on a circular ring. They can easily be accessed over and over to meditate on God’s word, pray and journal on the back. They can also be recreated as cards of encouragement to share with others.
Creating art tags based on scripture, can help you work through deep emotions while cultivating positive practices that will strengthen you in times of difficulty. It is a discipline that requires you to process the scripture passage before connecting to it through art.