Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”
— John 6:35
Our Mission
Our mission at bread2Bread is to show the compassion of the Lord by feeding the hungry with a good and hearty meal prepared in house (Bread) & share the main course-the whole Gospel in its entirety (Bread) and prayer. This mission began in November 2022 with one person and one encounter with a man on the side of an exit ramp in Chicopee. It has since then been a ministry of Living Rock Church Killingworth with a group of dedicated men and women and has since been a nonstop mission covering areas from Bridgeport up to Manchester, westward into Meriden & Waterbury.
bread2Bread is a ministry of Living Rock Church that serves the homeless in our community, not only helping to meet their physical needs but their spiritual needs as well.
They strive to serve with a heart of love and compassion, following the example of Jesus.
This ministry was launched in July of 2022 and is led by Rene Carasquillo.
Our Purpose
We see the nature of our Lord Jesus all throughout scripture from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 and we can not deny His heart to the poor. We understand that poverty is and has been in existence since the fall of man; interwoven in the world as a byproduct of many of the fallen condition of the human heart (John 12:8). We know that Christ Jesus came into this world from His richness in heaven to our proverty on earth in order that we in our earthly proverty may become rich in Christ (2 Corinth 8:9). We believe that poverty is not just an income condition that some suffer through, but ultimately a spiritual condition that all mankind are under, and that can only be overcome by the gospel of Jesus Christ (John 16:33)
Team Members:
Rene Carrasquillo
John Marquez
Jake Torello
Dennis Ericksen
Interested in learning more about becoming a part of bread2Bread?
Contact Bones for more information about how you can be a part of the ministry.
Donate Today
We're in need of sturdy fabric to be used to sew the bags we put the items we support the homeless with. You can donate flat sheets, old tablecloths, and/or cloth shower curtains. Please no thread bare or stretchy fabric.
Material can be dropped off at Living Rock Church.
What Can YOU Do?
The b2B ministry, like all others, is held up by God, as well as the efforts of all the people involved.
If you are called to be part of this ministry or if you are interested in serving this ministry, there are 3 impactful ways to serve God through b2B:
Nothing can be more impactful than the prayers of the righteous, especially for those in need of salvation. We have seen and testify that it is through prayers that we see the Lord's work in action.
The world is in need of laborers to go out into the field and share the love of our Good Shepherd. We are always striving to bring more men and women who desire to do this work into this ministry. In addition, we can use people to come alongside us and join in helping us in making these meals for God's children.
Financial Contribution:
While the first two opportunities to serve are extremely important, we must point out how vital it is to this ministry to be blessed financially by your heartfelt giving. This ministry can't operate outside of your financial contribution to further God's commandment to feed His sheep. See below for how to give!
Want to help bread2Bread? Donate supplies to go into the bags bread2bread team members pass out during their outreaches. Find a list of items from their Amazon wishlist!